SCR #3908 04/11/2024 des RTSSAT - rel4^ver1^rts04^20240411 RTSTPLO - $data01.n41rts.rts01po RTSSAT - rel4^ver2^rts01^20240411 RTSTPLO - $data01.n42rts.rts01po Reference: Case #03621149/H24-579162 NOTE: This is an uplift of SCR3809 Symptom: RTS (Real Time Stats) Process abends after an object (Process, Link, Station, Destobj) was deleted. Problem: The internal object tables are managed/indexed via an array of pointers. When an object is added, it is assigned an index (object number) using an empty entry in the array, filling in the address of that object. When an object is deleted, its memory is returned and its entry/index in the object table array is zeroed out so it can be reused. The XPNET node accounts for this when accessing the object tables. However in several places the RTS process did not properly account for empty slots in the middle of the object table(s) which results in an address trap when it attempts to set the address of the object and reference a field within its structure. Change: Fixed the logic so that it properly skips the empty slots when accessing the object tables to send out status messages. Implementation: Install updated RTS object and restart the RTS processes. Dependencies: none Code Review: CR-XPNET-215 SCR #3907 04/11/2024 rak N24SEG - $DATA01.U42N24S.N24S01AS Reference: H24-586276 Symptom: N24SETUP not creating CONVNSEC file Problem: N24SEG missing updates Change: Rebuilt N24SEG with XPNET 4.2 updates Implementation: Replace N24DEFS and N24SEG on the XPNET subvol with the new version. Dependencies: XPNET 4.2 Code Review: CR-XPNET-216 SCR #3910 04/30/2024 gjd CTS - REL4^VER2^CTS01^20240430 TCPXCLI - REL1_VER1_TCPCX01_043024 TCPXSRV - REL1_VER1_TCPSX01_043024 Reference: Case #H24-586188 Symptom: CTS code is not correctly validating the XPNET protocol license for some protocols. Problem: Code does not check the COMM-METHOD for some protocols. Change: Added code to properly check the COMM-METHOD for all protocols. Implementation: Install the new CTS file on XPNET subvol. Rebuild the NETWORK object using the NETB file. Move in the new TCPXCLI and TCPXSRV modules. Stop associated XPNET stations. Stop and re-start TCPXCLI/TCPXSRV processes. Re-start the previously Stopped stations. Dependencies: XPNET 4.2 Code Review: CR-XPNET-217 SCR #3914 05/13/2024 jb EMSMON - Utility loaded by PCIMON FPCIMONC - Compile file for the filter used with PCIMON FPCIMONS - Source for the filter used with PCIMON GOEMS - File used to setup and run PCIMON PCIMON - The macroes source Reference: Internal Symptom: Duplication in the macros that watch the log to trigger encryption of files for PCI4 purposes. Problem: More to maintain, could be inconsistent between XPNET and ICE-XS. Change: Added macro PCIMON which will watch the specified collector for specific log messages, extract the filename from the log, encrypt that file to a new name, and purge the original. PCIMON contains logic to watch for 3 different log messages and process them. XPNET: AUDIT, NOM and QWRITE files. ICE-XS: TRACE files. ZZSAnnnn saveabend files. If you use PCIMON, you don't need to use the following files: FOR XPNET AUDIT/NOM/QWRITE COMP6493, FI6493, FI6493S, PCI4MON, PRE6493 FOR ZZSA FILES FIZZSA, FIZZSAS, PREZZSA, ZZSACOMP, ZZSAMON Implementation: These files are meant as examples and can be modified as needed. The new PCIMON macro will watch for 3 different log messages, so zzsamon and pci4mon do not need to be used separately. Dependencies: No dependencies. Code Review: CR-XPNET-221 SCR #3912 05/04/2021 rak PWR - rel4^ver2^pwr00^240504 PWS - rel4^ver2^pws00^240504 PATH - rel4^ver2^path00^240504 Reference Case H24-591220 Symptom: When trying to start a PWR or PWS station on XPNET 4.2 the following log message is generated: 24-05-04;07:11:00.001 \SYS.$PWS1 ACI.XPNTCTSS.1000 1120 PWS, Invalid message length. Problem: PWS and PWR weren't using the latest CTS structure definitions. Implementation: Replace the existing PWS, PWR, and PATH in the XPNET subvolume and restart processes as appropriate. Dependencies: XPNET 4.2 and newer. Code Review: CR-XPNET-219 SCR #3916 05/24/2024 jb RTSSAT - rel4^ver1^rts05^20240424 RTSSAT - rel4^ver2^rts02^20240424 Reference: H24-593531 Symptom: DESTINATION not in HSTAT STATION message Problem: 1) Load station logic did not include DESTINATION 2) Newest global not sourced in 3) if shared pointers were 0 RTS wasn't protected and abends Change: Added station logic for destination, added latest globals, and omitted fields if shared pointers are zero. NOTE: Network will be fixed to refresh the zero pointers. Implementation: Abort the RTSSAT processes, move the new files to the xpnet subvolume, start the RTSSAT processes. Dependencies: No dependencies. Code Review: CR-XPNET-222 SCR #3917 06/10/2024 jb CTS01DC - CTSDC CTS01DS - CTSDDDL CTS01DT - CTSDTAL CTS00DA - CTSDTCL CTS - REL4^VER2^CTS02^20240611 CTSE - REL1_VER0_CTSE02_061124 CTSEN - REL1_VER0_CTSE02_061124 CTSX - REL1_VER1_CTSE01_061124 PATH - REL4^VER2^PATH01^240611 PWR - REL4^VER2^PWR01^240611 PWS - REL4^VER2^PWS01^240611 SSLCLI - REL1_VER0_SSLC18_061124 SSLSRV - REL1_VER0_SSLS20_061124 TCPCLI - REL1_VER0_TCPC18_061124 TCPSRV - REL1_VER0_TCPS20_061124 TCPXCLI - REL1_VER1_TCPCX02_061124 TCPXSRV - REL1_VER1_TCPSX02_061124 Reference: H24-599761 H24-586555 Symptom: Log message 2137 is sent out even when TCPDATATIMEOUT is set to 0. Problem: The CATTR Request message's DDL in the old CLI/SRV do not match the one used by the NETWORK process. Change: Change the DDL by putting the new fields at the end of the structure. This will affect TCPX and NETWORK as well. Implementation: Move in the new modules. Rebuild the NETWORK object using the NETB file, then stop and start your nodes. Stop and re-start SSL/TCP processes. Re-start the needed stations. Dependencies: No dependencies. Code Review: CR-XPNET-223 SCR #3918 06/21/2024 mmn SVNCPI - rel4^ver2^evt01^20240621 - rel4^ver2^mem01^20240621 - rel4^ver2^bkup01^20240621 - rel4^ver2^ncp01^20240621 - rel4^ver2^obj01^20240621 - rel4^ver2^rel01^20240621 - rel4^ver2^rn01^20240621 - rel4^ver2^sec01^20240621 - rel4^ver2^tim01^20240621 - rel4^ver2^ut01^20240622 Reference: H24-585883, H24-590062, H24-591532, H24-592372 Symptom: SVNCPI abends with the following stack: Num Lang Location ABEND 0 TAL #TRAP^DUMP.#1529(DLIB00TS) + %10I 1 TAL #USER^PREDUMP.#1865.1(DLIB00TS) + %11I 2 TAL #DUMP.#1383(DLIB00TS) + %3I 3 TAL #PROGRAMMATIC^DUMP.#1454(DLIB00TS) + %5I 4 TAL #BKUP^CHECKPOINT.#972(BKUP00TS) + %4I 5 TAL #REL4^VER2^NCP00^20240322.#4661(NCP00TS) Problem: Changes added in XPNET 4.2 to support a SALT value for the NCSS password increased the size of the SVNCPI globals. This caused the call to checkpointmanyx during backup creation to fail because the stackbase + globals increased above the 32,500 limit for non-native applications. When this occurs SVNCPI calls abend. This only occurs when the SVNCPI is configured to run with a backup. In the server definition in the pathconf the CPUS attribute has two CPU numbers specified. Change: Moved the NCSP structure out of globals. Implementation: Install the new SVNCPI object on the XPNET subvol. Accelerate SVNCPI using the OCANCPI macro for Itanium and OXANCPI for X.86 platforms to avoid performance issues. From TACL: STOP <$NCPI PPD> or From NCPCOM: DELIVER NODE , "ABORT-NCPI" Dependencies: None Code Review: CR-XPNET-227 SCR #3924 08/27/2024 jb OCAPATH - N42PATH.OCA01AS OCAPWR - N42PWR.OCA01AS OCAPWS - N42PWS.OCA01AS OXAPATH - N42PATH.OXA01AS OXAPWR - N42PWR.OXA01AS OXAPWS - N42PWS.OXA01AS Reference: H24-616502, H24-615900 Symptom: OCA/OCX acceleration macros give errors. Problem: Macros don't have all the references needed. Change: Added more references to the OCA/OXA files for compile Implementation: Purge PATHA, PWRA and PWSA from the XPNET subvol, move new files to XPNET SUBVOL, use the OCAPATH, OCAPWR, OCAPWS, OXAPATH, OXAPWR, and OXAPWS macros to make the objects accelerated. STOP and START any processes running these objects. Dependencies: No dependencies. Code Review: CR-XPNET-229 SCR #3927 09/10/2024 jb OXANCPI - S42NCPI.OXA01AS Reference: Symptom: OXA acceleration macros give errors. Problem: Macros don't have all the references needed. Change: Added more references to the OXA files for compile Implementation: Purge SVNCPIA from the XPNET subvol, move new files to XPNET SUBVOL, use the OXAALL macro to make the objects accelerated. STOP and START any processes running these objects. Dependencies: No dependencies. Code Review: CR-XPNET-231 SCR #3911 04/26/2024 rak BASE - REL4^VER2^BASE^REL01^20240426 - REL4^VER2^ONCF^SYS01^20240426 BASE - REL4^VER1^BASE^REL01^20240426 - REL4^VER1^ONCF^SYS03^20240426 Reference: Internal Symptom: NETWORK not shutting down on STOP NODE command. Problem: Timer not deleted. Change: Added code to delete timer. Implementation: Install the new files on the XPNET subvol. Rebuild the NETWORK object using the NETB file and stop/restart the NODEs. It may be necessary to STOP the NETWORK process using the STOP command at TACL. Dependencies: None Code Review: CR-XPNET-218 SCR #3923 08/23/24 rak BASE - REL4^VER2^BASE^REL02^20240826 REL4^VER1^STA01^20240826 BASE - REL4^VER1^BASE^REL17^20240826 REL4^VER1^STA07^20240826 BASE - REL4^VER0^BASE^REL24^20240826 REL4^VER0^STA09^20240826 Reference Case H24-610376 ( 03656437 ) Symptom: XPNET abends with SIGNUM 11 on ALTER STATION command. Problem: A previous command involving removal of an RPCONF setting for a DEVICE did not clear/reset the STATION RPC address so message routing failed. Change: Modified the code to set the STATION RPC address to 0 (zero) when a STATION/DEVICE change is made and the new DEVICE does not have an RPCCONF associated with it. Implementation: Install the new files on the XPNET subvol. Rebuild the NETWORK object using the NETB file. Dependencies: None. Code Review: CR-XPNET-228 s3925    09/16/24    1.0.01    rak RPCGEN - REL1_VER0_RPCG01_20240916 - REL1_VER0_XNCG01_20240916 Reference: Case H24-609288 ( 03655260 ) Symptom: RPCGEN failing compiles with large RPC source files. Problem: Buffer was too small for some files and second read was not processed correctly. Change: Increased FREAD BUFFSIZE to ensure handling of files up to 128K sized and implemented. Also, updated XMPL globals to include all functions to avoid errors/warnings during compilation. Implementation: Install new RPCGEN. Code Review: CR-XPNET-232 Dependencies: none SCR #3919 07/01/2024 jb NCPCOM - rel4^ver2^ncpc01^20240701 - rel4^ver1^ncpc04^20240701 - rel4^ver0^ncpc08^20240701 Reference: H24-598451 Symptom: The STARTOPTIONS output from OBEYFORM causes an error when using that file as an input obey file. Problem: When writing to an edit file, significant spaces may be dropped when they occur at the end of the line. Change: Added logic to add the space back on the input side for STARTOPTIONS and HSMKEY. Implementation: Move the object to the XPNET subvols and stop and restart the NCPCOM. Dependencies: No dependencies. Code Review: CR-XPNET-224 SCR #3932 10/17/2024 mmn SKELBXL - REL4^VER2^SUTLXL00^20240315 SKELXLST - Spooler listing file for SKELBXL OXASKELX - N42SUTL.OXAX00AS OCASKELX - N42SUTL.OCAX00AS PREGENXL - REL4^VER2^PREXL00^20240315 OXAPREGX - S42PRE.OXAX00AS OCAPREGX - S42PRE.OCAX00AS Reference: Internal Symptom: SKELBXL and PREGENXL modules not correctly included with XPNET 4.2 release. See SCR 3880 for details. Problem: Modules were missed when creating new release. Change: Cataloged missing files. Implementation: Install missing files on the XPNET subvol. Dependencies: No dependencies. Code Review: N/A SCR #3929 9/24/2024 jb BASE - REL4^VER2^EXEC03^20240924 - REL4^VER2^BASE^REL03^20240924 BASE - REL4^VER1^EXEC06^20240924 - REL4^VER1^BASE^REL18^20240924 BASE - REL4^VER0^EXEC08^20240924 - REL4^VER0^BASE^REL25^20240924 Reference: H24-622490 Symptom: log messages with more text then expected and a lot of that text being question marks for log 3000. Problem: There are uninitialized variables in 2 procedures that log message 3000. Change: Initialize the len, int1, int2, and int3 variables. Implementation: Install the new files on the XPNET subvol. Rebuild the NETWORK object using the NETB file. Stop/start the network processes as needed. Dependencies: No dependencies. Code Review: CR-XPNET-234 SCR #3931 09/30/2024 mmn SVNCPI - REL4^VER2^REL02^20240930 - REL4^VER2^NCP02^20240930 - REL4^VER2^SEC02^20240930 - REL4^VER2^UT02^20240930 SVNCS - REL4^VER2^NCPL01^20240930 - REL4^VER2^SNCS01^20240930 SVNSEC24 - SVN24SECS-42-01 NCPCOM - REL4^VER2^NCPC02^20240930 - REL4^VER2^NCPL01^20240930 NCPDTCL - $DATA01.S42NCPI.NCPI01DA NCPDDDL - $DATA01.S42NCPI.NCPI01DS NCPDTAL - $DATA01.S42NCPI.NCPI01DT NCPDC - $DATA01.S42NCPI.NCPI01DC NCPDCOB - $DATA01.S42NCPI.NCPI01DX NCPDCB74 - $DATA01.S42NCPI.NCPI01DV NCPDFUP - $DATA01.S42NCPI.NCPI01DZ POBJ - T3270-N24LOGON (D42) 22 OCT 2024 10:25:54 - T6520-N24LOGON (D42) 22 OCT 2024 10:26:02 Reference: H24-621565 Symptom: Password requirements for PCI 4.0 not met. Problem: Logic added in XPNET 4.2 for PCI 4.0 password compliance did not correctly enforce the requirements for at least 1 special, 1 lower and 1 upper case character be included when changing a password. The previous logic did not prevent using these characters, but did not force the user to include them. Change: Added additional logic to ensure that at least 1 special, 1 lower and 1 upper case character is included in the password for the NCSS and NSEC files. Implementation: Install the new modules on the XPNET subvol and restart the appropriate servers. SCUP COPY the new requestor(s) to the XPNET POBJ file. Dependencies: No dependencies. Code Review: CR-XPNET-236